QuaranTUNES | Playlist to Inspire Creativity
In the midst of all this chaos in the world, one thing that has given me a sense of peace has been the arts. This ‘new norm’ can be difficult, so I wanted to encourage all you ‘cool cats and kittens’ to use this time quarantined/social-distanced to pause Netflix, tune into yourself, and get creative!
Finally start that blog, podcast, at-home project; maybe just try out a new recipe (or actually learn to cook), sketch, paint — just make something that is yours.
Personally, I picked up hobbies I neglected for years due to feeling overwhelmed — like sketching, video editing, singing (karaoke), and of course this blog.
(I also organized the fuck out of my apartment.
Like... it feels like I physically moved to a new place✨haha.)
Working on a new hobby, or picking up an old one, is very therapeutic and can improve your mental health.
TBH, I have struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life —which can be intensified in times, like…RIGHT NOW in the world.
Getting in ‘creative mode’ has been a lifesaver for me.
Hope the same for you all 💞
So turn this ishh up! — OR not. It’s pretty mellow.
I curated this playlist to inspire YOU! (shuffle recommended)
Just press play and get to work!
Side note: Just a reminder for these weird times — we still have technology y’all. Endless. Entertainment.
We may not know what day it is, but we know it’s 2020.
And things could be sooo much worse. We could still have dial-up.
We all CAN still see/talk to family and friends —shit, even drink with them if you want, via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc.
Only difference now is it saves you money — and maybe the embarrassment of being ‘too touchy-feely’ with either. *slaps knee*
Hope you enjoy!
more on featured artists:
— I am huge fan of James Blake. If you are too, I suggest checking out Bearcubs (aka Jack Ritchie). The first time I heard him, I was SHOCKED it wasn’t James himself. It’s the voice and vibe, man. His style has changed a bit since 2017, but… it’s important you know why the comparison is there:
Listen to “Underwaterfall” and get back to me.
Also, Poté’s “Lonely” (in this playlist!) feels a bit like Bearcubs — not JB 🤷🏻♀️
— Can’t wait for more Frank Ocean music? Check out Choker! Don’t let the name throw you off. This kid is talented AF, from production to his voice. All which is very…“Frank.” *teehee*
I’ve featured him before on my blog if you’re interested in more about him!