Things I Learned on TikTok | Opinion
(NOTE: i’m in my 30s*)
If you read my previous post, you know I was intrigued by TikTok during the pandemic. What you didn’t know is that while working on a post, it became something more.
More than just sharing what I think is smart + funny on the app (though still included below). But my opinion of how social media evolved, affected humanity, and how I have hope in this new platform will help us get back to a non-virtual reality.
+ all the educational/funny shit is at end on post, if you wanna skip to it! I won’t know.
While learning to use TikTok, I found it was more than a community of immensely creative individuals. It was a reminder of the good ol’ days of authentically connecting and sharing content online. Last post, I mentioned TikTok is a refreshing alternative to other popular apps, especially given our current global status.
It’s a relaxed digital environment that’s not constantly trying to manipulate you into something. (like an ex, amirite?)
And as a self-proclaimed millennial nerd that experienced the start up and monetization social media, I quickly grew tired of seeing people imitate content they assume is real life or #GOALS for the LIKES ❤️ [i.e. validation].
What people want others to THINK vs REALITY.
Watching people change from simply sharing content, to this NEED for it to be unrealistically perfect for the clout has been… INSANE.
Also, very hard venting about my job and what was happening, so I made no sense to people who thought my job was just “tweeting” and “overreacting.” 🙄
I went to UNT to in hopes to be a journalist, to share true stories and help others. But the first ”real” job I got after graduating was being a part of that very business —that pretty much ruined real journalism; helping it grow to the monster it is today. (Not proud.)
But! I was good at it (and I needed to continue making monies for food, adulting, etc.), so every job I’ve had over the last decade has been in digital media marketing.
I’ve now worked in every aspect of this machine —from planning strategies and creating content to execution and reporting. Through it… I lost the ‘joy’ of sharing too much of my own life online, whilst also recognizing the power of it all.
BUT WAIT! What changed?!
And isn’t this post about TikTok?!
It was during the 2020 lockdown where I saw social media shifting back to real, authentic content. With the help of a little app we millennials assumed was just for dancing tweens. Yep…
TikTok entered the chat.
So, let’s agree,
Social Media proved to be essential during quarantine.
The amount of time people spent online during this time was CRAY-(gen)Z!! But predictable.
Not only were we all bored, curious about others experiences and/or craving attention. (OR worse: just an asshole with the urge to take advantage of struggling people online. 🙄) This all made me really reflect on my personal relationship with social media and how I should proceed with it.
I knew I had to prepare myself for the “perfectly” crafted posts, one can’t help but compare themselves to these days. For my mental health, to NOT come out of the pandemic with a distorted version of myself. Knowing I’d be online, probably more than ever before (outside of work —or waiting on dial-up, if that still counts).
So, I moved my Instagram app to a hidden folder on my phone lol (more “hacks” to come!)
Also, I found something better: the wonderful world of “we don’t give a fuck anymore” millennials of TikTok!
Ya know, before big businesses got involved, the original idea behind social media platforms was to bring the world together. Simply connecting and creating (not dividing us all).
And, I mean, the word “SOCIAL” is in there. Not “FIGHT!”
Ya see…
…back in my day, we had Xanga and MySpace (whadduupp Tom!). These OG social platforms were not really about vanity; they were created for us to keep in contact or socialize online.
REMINDER: We still had landlines, y’all. And couldn’t use that and the internet at the same time. And that sound connecting will haunt my generation forever.
Users could express themselves as freely and creatively as they wanted, within their own “space.” (bro…🤯MySpace! omg how did I JUST get that!)
Okay, as I was saying: Before smart phones and apps, these WEBSITES gave people the opportunity to interact from wherever digitally. AND it actually taught us useful shit.
Like basic HTML coding.
THAT’S RIGHT. We could customize our own content, down to the layout (or “skin” if ya nasty) by coding it to be our own unique page. This useful skill (that is more brain than beauty) became the foundation to a bankin’ career today, if you kept up —jussss sayin’ kids. We don’t have to dance in frame.
These social platforms were NOT filled with the “glamorous,” Photoshopped, paid-posts flooding your feed today.
Lots of emo haircuts and music, though.
TikTok not only allows you to learn (or master) the skill of audio/video editing, but to be SEEN and HEARD.
I describe it as the ‘melting pot’ of the today’s social media world (with a touch of ‘choose your own adventure’ because the algorithm is pretty🎯on point). Everyone — Boomers to Zoomers — coming to together to laugh, learn, inspire and relate to each other’s individual niche or experiences.
No Hollywood required! …which has been great since that too was shutdown.
(Fun Fact: TikTok users spiked during quarantine. As did the age of its users haha🙋🏻♀️)
I mean, yes, there are some thirsty-ass people on there, trying to get their 15-minutes of “viral fame” or sell you something you don’t need. But, unlike other apps, TikTok makes it easy to not see that same shit you’ve dismissed.
By not engaging (swift scroll up), you teach the algorithm you’re not interested in that content, and it remembers. —unlike Instagram or your ex, IT ACTUALLY LISTENS.
We should be using this medium that connects us all globally with transparency, facts …you know, just the fucking TRUTH.
Create, not imitate —or intimidate. (. . . ? IDK if I just came up with that or tweet it, haha)
Just be honest✨ With others and yourself.
It’s hard, but worth it. #TWSS
Anyway, I guess this post is about my hope that TikTok can be the trigger that snaps us back to “reality.”
Enough bullshit already. I rather see real people promoting attainable goals; not all this false hope and straight-up lies. Especially in a friggin’ pandemic. Come on, y’all!!
For too long, us “every day people” have adapted to accept the oversaturated digital world of influencers, ads and filters in the space where we previously connected in.
All that toxic shit masterfully created to appear real, that actually just affects how we view ourselves and each other.
I found real people on TikTok, which helped me stay mentally healthy.
It’s a place where mundane tasks are made to relatable cinematic masterpieces; where adults can feel like kids again, recreating bits or sharing how to finesse adulting; where ordinary people can express themselves without a “perfect” setting (like a messy room), and it is totally acceptable to use ANYTHING as a prop (see: wig towel on head). Content that creates community and really starts real conversations.
TikTok honestly just FEELS better than absorbing mainstream “news” that, like Instagram content today, has been touched over and over again. Making ‘the truth’ NOT actually “real” anymore —just someone’s version of it.
*** Mike Drop ***
***Magic Mike.
🚂 (2/2)
Things I Learned On TikTok, Too!
*note: some links may have been removed
Instagram vs. TikTok (Content Creator’s view 🤝)
TikTok Exposes: Real Life!
Insta-HQ be like. . .
I do this … 👉👈
LADIES! Here’s some tips [-Toks?] on safe driving at night!
(…yeah, I know. I wish this wasn’t a thing either, but here we are)How to Properly Clean Cast Iron (this one is very specific to me, cuz I need to “renew” one I’ve been hiding from myself lol)
Easily (no measuring) hang something with keyholes
Properly use tape measure (adulting)
Lemons. 💦
Learn phrase in Spanish
Back Pocket (aka reminders/Useful only if remembered)
Advice from dating coaches
Air leak in tire? Here’s an easy fix!
(*…she typed, knowing she would not do all this*)Cook Cornrowed Salmon
(*same disclaimer as above)Ladies Only! PSA on relationships 👀
Relatable AF
Air Fryer Owners
Adulting: Vitamins
“Testing” TikTok features
[Latina mothers] Choose Your Character (Weapon)
Polls vs. Poles (a simple misunderstanding…haha)
Professional Email (this does get answered in stitch lol)
How to properly jump on a trend
That one switch in your home…
(NSFW) “I should call her…”
When snacking makes a banger
Salt Bae’s restaurant
90’s Music Video Inspo (v cheesy…hehe)
I’ll take that Mambo #5 to troll… (not all my commentary will land, sorry)
“Busta Bob’s” [Burgers]
Quarantine-Time Specific JOKES!
‘The Haunting’ During Lockdown
Your Refrigerator’s POV
Me Joining TikTok
Corona “Test“ (joke)
What 🍊sounds like
Remember that Wayfair story…well, here’s a joke.
🌱 Plant-Parenthood
(shout out to my 💚 Pépé LePlant)
Banana Fertilizer (apparently a thing)
WTF is the Bowl for? (“Drip Tray”)
Thank you to anyone who actually read this!!