fun update • tea | FMTV011


hello, new year!

—I’m excited for you, though you’ve tested me ❤️



this year: wild.

like, how dare we enter it during mercury retrograde?!!

follow up: does this normally happen?!! 😮‍💨

Well. Here’s my random list of shit I choose to ambiguously share.

(Apologies. This tone carries in this post for a bit, but I do check myself by the time you get to music! 🙃✨)

  • I lost 007. Like, I have no idea where I left the copy for that post.

    Probably due to new laptop and Apple’s way of changing shit all the time. But hey. That’s life.

    You move on and accept you will be haunted by your lost ideas in dreams to come.

    And yes, “F” is definitely for “FUCK!” this time.

    But it’s FINE :) 🔥

    *deep breath*

  • ▶️ blue nile • gang gang dance

    I stumbled upon Gang Gang Dance a couple years ago, probably due to my phone or Alexa listening to the person I was seeing at the time yelling “gang! gang!” randomly/humorously.

    So yeah. It was “suggested” in my Discover Weekly.

    The song: Glass Jar” (the intro to their album + intro to me as a band) —I freakin’ LOVED it so much, I forgave the intrusion of privacy and let the algorithm lead me further onto more new music from this “gang.”

    But this track I’m sharing here (“Blue Nile”) I just recently found after I thought I had exhausted their music catalogue.

    I hope it gives you the same spark onto the band or just OTHER MUSIC! (The Spotify Radio with them is pretty dope too! Found lots of other great tunes from it!)

    Anyway, I’m including the OG song that made me fall in love with tha gang in the ‘Tube playlist after this too!

    [Please note: it’ll be the LIVE version at Pitchfork Music Festival, cuz I think that’s more intimate/real]

    🌈 You can also listen to that jam on Spotify here, if you’re not about that gang, gang life. (hehe)

    🎶 “See, I cared for you; I cared for you. I cared for you like a brother” 🎵
    (—lyrics from “Glass Jar” because “Blue Nile” has none anyone can understand lol)

    ▶️ my whole world’s coming apartjohn maus

    🎶 “…gimme, gimme, give me some love; and this is my night, my night, my nightmare” 🎵

    —more with similar fun, upbeat vibe:
    no title (molly) | just wait til next year

    ▶️ hide • part time

    I was obsessed [again] w Part Time music last month, yet only included ONE song in a previous post, like an idiot.

    (JK. I’m pretty positive I recommended you all check out ALL of Part Time’s music.)

    Hide was just another that took awhile to get moved from my rotation, so it found its way onto this list!

    🎶 “And I hope one day that we'll just disappear; I gave so much, I have no more to fear” 🎵

    —another obsessively played PT song:
    Staring At A Gun

    ▶️ intro • yaya bey

    #MOOD entering 2023 💁🏻‍♀️

    🎶 “…cuz the rent still due baby; I’m living out the life that I choose baby” 🎵

    ▶️ on my own • nascent, sharina

    🎶 “I'm high, I know. I know that I'm trippin' —I'm all alone. Despite all the bullshit, I'm on my own (It's fine); I'm on my own.” 🎵


    fascination streetthe cure 🔥

    all loved outten city

music above is featured below 📺

  • TEA
    : hot gos(sip) or personal info about someone else

    🍵 Last year, I recorded a conversation (with consent) with my ex-husband, Jeff, then converted it to a podcast! Juicy bits in there.

    You can listen to our candid convo about our relationship on Spotify or on my YouTube channel :)

    🍵 More on me again… So! I finally started The White Lotus, and OMG so fucking good. Jennifer Coolidge is incredible —awards deserved 👏🏼👏🏼

    It’s a social satire, which if you check out my list of recommended shows, you can tell it’s my thing (outside of comedies, ofc)

    🍵 I actually am writing a piece on my dating life after divorce, which will include actual “tea” (in the urban dictionary sense), as well as my theory on why it’s damn near impossible to find someone to date these days in the states.

    Stay tuned!

for other stuff to check out,
check out my mentionables!


Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!

m*f* | FMTV012


2022 REFLECTION: Ayye! Look Back At It