Profile Story (Print) | David Stanley


By Nancy Aguirre (for Print)

The stage is lit. Hundreds of fans shout, anxiously waiting for the show to begin. The women in the audience can hardly control their excitement, all for the King to take the stage. This is one memorable day in the life of these girls, but backstage it is just any other day, particularly for one young man. 

David Edward Stanley, 54, is a producer, filmmaker, and president of Impello Films. He was born in Newport, Virginia and at the age of four, had moved to Memphis, Tennessee. Stanley did not know then that his life would soon completely change. 

His mother, Davada “Dee” Stanley, had re-married. Not just to any other Regular Joe around town, but to none other than Vernon Presley, Elvis Presley’s father. It was then that Stanley was set to become the youngest of Elvis’ step-brothers, and was even lucky enough to move into to the Graceland Mansion with his new family. 

From then on, things just got more exciting for Stanley. By the age of sixteen, he got to experience what most people could merely dream of: to tour around the world with Elvis himself, as the youngest of his personal bodyguards. 

For seventeen years, he would travel at his step-brother’s side, even though Stanley himself about twenty years younger than Elvis. At 19, he even lived in France and Germany. Life was unimaginable, but then tragedy struck in the summer of ’77, when “The King of Rock & Roll” passed. 

The family mourned the death of their beloved; it was not easy for Stanley, for Elvis was like a father figure to him. Three years later, he moved to Texas where he decided to continue his education and attended Baylor University and North Texas State University – or as it is known now, the University of North Texas. His two sons, Austin and Tyler, would later attend each of these schools, as well. 

Stanley still had this magnificent story just waiting to be told. He was no stranger to the entertainment business and had developed a passion for film which would not be contained for any longer. By the late ’80s, several publishers started to ask him about his life growing up with Elvis. Stanley, being a writer, then began to write several books and documentaries about music, rock & roll, and of course, Elvis. 

In 2002, Stanley developed his own entertainment company and named it Impello Films. He had a vision, which he gave life to through this company, to “create, develop, and produce intellectual properties based on the principles of honor, courage, integrity and personal triumph.” Soon after the development of Impello, he began to work his first feature film, “Protecting The King” (2007). This film covered his life with Elvis from 1972 to 1977. It was an independent film, which raised $2.5 million to produce, in Los Angeles, CA. To this day, it is his most memorable moment in his filming career. Another film he is proud of is currently in production, “Restoring My Father’s Honor.” This film is dedicated to his biological father, William “Bill” J. Stanley, and costs $65-75 million in a joint-production deal. 

Someday, Stanley would love to work with director Randall Wallace or Clint Eastwood, until then he remains a busy man with a vision, still pursuing his dreams. 

Nancy Tatiana

Nancy is a Dallas native that loves breakfast, booze, and binge-watching TV shows alone. She also enjoys sharing authentic content, like honest recommendations/suggestions and personal stories, on everything from: travel > life > music > random topics!

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