facts • tbd (🦗🦗) | FMTV006
quick backstory:
…about my ribs.
I fractured 4 mid-August.
Do not recommend. Post Malone can confirm.
(he had an audience + security; I had my plants + a disconnected Alexa)
I don’t share my injury details. Just all the ‘FMTV’ that got me through 🙃
▶︎ the joe rogan experience
A good friend of mine, Rob The Insurer, assured me I’d like this podcast via text (too much? …you sure?? hehe!)
He’s a fellow creative I have vented to about my qualms with the media today, and all that our generation [that pursued journalism when it was about truth-telling] has endured.
So makes sense he’d be like... "you’ll like this one" 🤝 lol
What was great about this recommendation was a couple weeks before, I was watching The Daily Show w Trevor Noah, as I do, and found the interview with Alec Karakatsanis so intriguing(!!), I jot down "google substack" on a sticky note to remember to read the guy’s stuff.
Once I did, I was so impressed and inspired, I immediately signed up to join as a writer.
I felt I found my people.
This was where writers needed to be.
THEN I fell, broke shit, and forgot about it due probably to pain/meds lol. But! Two weeks later Rob shared Rogan's podcast with Chris Best, the guy who co-founded Substack! So, I remembered 😅
The interview is CRAZY long, but interesting since it discusses the media, journalists, and how Substack got started in 2017.
It was also really cool to hear how another tech nerd + a journalist founded this new space with good intention. An opportunity to NOT have to go to the "gatekeepers" to tell a story; saving it from being watered down and milked for profit.
So, please LIKE + SUBSCRIBE! 😄
Anywho. Creative people are the BEST! And you can jot down I will be appearing on Rob's podcast, One’s Rising, very soon!!
Until then, you can peep my surprise* cameo on The Positive Vibes Only podcast below:
*I was the one surprised. I'm used to being the anonymous audience member LOL
So, the way I find music is pretty cool. Cuz it's actually kinda personal...
Yes, sometimes it’s shuffle from a band I’m feelin’ atm; other times it’s through a connection with someone I meet. Sometimes, it's both (...and probably why I have a track record of dating musicians lol)
I've had a lot going on, but the inspo for my music recommendations this go 'round comes with a short story about a tall man lol✨
the song + the reason for this post's vibe:
Last year (2021), when we were all getting back to "normal times," I had a serendipitous meeting with a very [VERY] tall, fun, straightforward and driven creative, that I'm still friends with to this day!
(there's a longer 'funny' story how DOTS connected us to meet...I'm contemplating sharing on substack🌌 ...after asking if cool to share)
Anyway, we clicked on pretty much everything, down to our businesses + odd work hours, which is crazy in itself. (My friends sometimes call me a vampire) With so many similarities, we were bound to click with our music taste as well.
After hangs, he text a couple songs (which I encourage all my friends to do!!) and one was from Brittany Howard’s new [at the time] album, Jaime (Reimagined)*:
*note: Jaime (Reimagined) is her debut solo album remixed with other artists, like Childish Gambino, Little Dragon, Michael Kiwanuka, Syd + more!
...also, unrelated but me and said friend would get high and be childish together😂
I have loved Alabama Shakes since they were still together. And come on! Brittany Howard’s voice is just so GD incredible! So, why am I talking about a song that's actually not in this list, but apparently has something to do with Brittany Howard?
Because I had recently bumped into this friend again, serendipitously. (And happened to be JUST before my injury lol)
Anyway, I was listening to "Stay High" and other songs from that album after our catchup (check out "Presence - Little Dragon Remix" too!); so when I eventually had my fracturing fall and went to create a "chill + heal" playlist, Spotify curated the music I'm sharing today! Perfect vibe, all triggered from listening to her music after my completely chance run-in💫 lol
So! the first song I'm adding the spotlight on is...
1// “Over My Head” • Alabama Shakes (2015)
Yes, when Brittany Howard was in it. It really just stuck out in the mix in the beginning. Part cuz it's been a minute since I've listened to her in music before she went solo. Other part, requires a new paragraph!
In life, I really do find the most joy in simplicity. Something this particular friend and I also related on/talk about. And "Over My Head" brings me that joy in song.
It's honestly a fairly simple song, but THAT'S the beauty of it! There are so many emotional layers in her simple, sung statement: "I'm in over my head..."
All the feels are amplified sonically, even without her powerful voice there to guide it or many words at all.
Anyway, might be the meds or the intentional self-isolation/reflection that has me seeing these kind of songs are my shit(!!)
[see: all my Frank Ocean & James Blake mentions in most of my music posts]
It's really the subtleties in the breakdowns that get me. The unspoken words expressed through these instrumental breaks, radiate energy, making the emotion behind the song an even more powerful message, without really saying it.
I guess like, the say less in music... but like, you fully understand cuz you FEEL it. Or yeah. Maybe it's just my meds lol
past + present gems (and one unrelated wildcard!)
2// “She Lives in My Lap” • Outkast (feat. Rosario Dawson)
I have been obsessed with this song like, the entire month. OK, maybe 2 weeks.
Released in 2003, but it’s still so damn good today!! The production alone is just🔥🔥🔥
(And to piggyback off that song/album, I will add the short and sweet “Take Off Your Cool” feat. Norah Jones!)
Anyway, after obsessively jamming SLIML, it reminded me of another song I have in my archived faves –from a lesser known artist. His name: Spencer.
In 2018, the multi-talented Brooklyn musician released “OPEN WIDE” —a soulful song that borrows from Andre 3000’s powerful lyrics:
“You’ve got me open wide, just come inside
… I’m yours”
Anywho, it's a different take on classic lyrics; both strong in own ways nonetheless💕
3// “Woods” • Mac Miller (2020)
Just a fave from Mac that popped up, from his sixth and final studio album, Circles. Released posthumously in early 2020, it's one I find myself replaying more than a few times after one listen. The vulnerable asides get me every time 💘
4// “Leaves” • Tennyson (2022)
From a Canadian brother-sister duo, with a Pretty last name, comes this feel-good** song! Though I don’t think that’s they were going for, but **I feel good listening to it.
(I might also be broken emotionally haha)
Anyway, I love the use of "leaving" and "leaves" …blowing in the wind🍃🍂. Pretty sweet.
I have yet to listen to the FULL album (Rot) but this song is on it. So now, I’m on it.
Probably will start after watching the making of this song, you can also watch here.
["random" fact: he had a fractured his knee cap making this song]
5// “Madonna” • Angelo Mota (2018)
...tired of the same old, same old? Then, you gotta listen to this mellow, trip-hop song by 20-something-year-old New Jersey rapper/producer, Angelo Mota. So you'll see what I did there☝️
I haven’t heard his newer stuff just yet, but read good things. We’ll see if he makes on my next post!
(I also like the use of Spanish in this verse. And play with punctuation lol [see below])
“as sweet as your karma, ven pa mi cama, break like a comma ...” 🤓🔥
6// “Jesus Freak Lighter” • Blood Orange (2022)
From his new EP Four Songs (that's literally just 4 songs) that matched my whole 'injured + wfh' vibe I was going for
7// “Dawg House” • Ray Vaughn, Isaiah Rashad (2022)
I’m just a big fan of Isaiah Rashad and all he is on. Plus, this just came out, so :) ...WILDCARD BITCHES!🤠
Speaking of wild, I saw Labrinth (the genius behind HBO's Euphoria soundtrack) post something that matched my view music with powerful sounds. Only he’s actually a musician, so he words it wayyy better/cuter than I ever could lol
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