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I forgot to think of something to type here. But I’ll get to it. Maybe.
NVM. Just ignore this section. Proceed!
Your options are:
▶︎ armchair expert
w dax shepard & monica padman
Guest: David Lieberman
• author / psychotherapist / consultant to the FBI, CIA, & NSA
As I said before, Armchair Expert is my favorite podcast because it focuses on one of my top interests: HUMANS! Come on, people are just so fascinating! Like, in a psychological sense, not just biological.
Once I saw psychotherapist and author David Lieberman was up, I quickly asked myself who tf is this? then, read they discuss the psychology of the human ego and importance of respect in relationships –I mean, say less🤤
The episode also talks how it is pretty easy to “mindread” because that was why Dr. Lieberman was there for... to promote his 11th book "Mindreader: The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are" (...I mentioned above he's worked with the FBI, CIA, and the NSA)
OK so, this new science is not meant to manipulate, but to help identify cues in human behavior to determine who is trustworthy and help form healthy relationships by distinguishing perception and reality.
(see: Emotional Intelligence; that one scene in 500 Days of Summer; magicians)
Now, if you ask: "What's to stop any egocentric personalities in yo'life, like narcissists, people with borderline personality disorder, or straight sociopaths from using this guide?" –keep in mind [Google] research shows they lack or just feign empathy. (Also, that I am not a doctor, and Lieberman's got a chapter on it👍)
So yeah, I didn't read it cuz I just listened to the podcast/learned who he is. But you'll get the gist from the interview. Just up to us to "read" that as well, to avoid getting ourselves in that vulnerable position. Again. Cuz that shit sucksss...
Anyway! As a hyper-observant middle child, I think figuring out my “place” made me hella good at people-reading. Also, what contributed to me pursuing the arts, drew me to psychology, then eventually to journalism [in the good ol'days of fact-checking]. All of which taught me so much about DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES.
- random fact:
- One of my exes would yell “WITCH!” whenever I called things before they happened, in life and on TV. To me, things just appeared very obvious. I have just always been aware of people's patterns/cues; also, I'm a writer.
Though... in hindsight, I should have used this 'ability' to see that he was[/is] a textbook narcissist.
Hey. We all make mistakes when "in love"!
Since learning to trust this 'superpower,' whilst understanding I could be wrong within my own observations cuz of emotions (e.g. my history of exes with NPD); I found what is important is recognizing this. To continue to learn and grow for yourself –not someone else's version of "you" they want for their own story.
Luckily, I have mentally & emotionally grown to not let this behavior affect me. Because,
I'm sure of who I am, NOW.
Just noticing these signals has given me the humble, non-egotistical mindset I have today, as well as provided me with the truly genuine relationships I’ve made and kept in my personal orbit.
(shout out to the real ones! i love you guysss!!) 🤗
SO. Check out the podcast, if interested. If you do, I am open for discussion!
I genuinely love this kind of talks with people who also continue to actively grow and learn for themselves, as opposed to living to satisfy their own narrative.
I also recommend listening to:
Psychologist and Yale professor Dr. Woo Ahn's episode on HUMAN THINKING.
I listened to it basically right after Lieberman's as both felt related. I will say, Ahn's was a much more "fun" [and educational] listen! She also reminded me of my mom😊
(Pro Tip: I cherrypick👀 Armchair Expert episodes for the ones featuring psychologists, journalists, scientists, or just people I admire)
- I heard this song while watching Tuca & Bertie, a show I'll talk about next section! It was featured in an episode about [a character]'s realization they lost themselves in a toxic relationship.
- The adult animated sitcom plays this emotional scene is such a beautiful way, visually through DANCE: WATCH HERE!
And I mean, with lyrics like:"pero, no me falles, me duele. no exagero cuando te digo ... eso que tu haces, no es amor." 💔
(that's Spanish for: "don't let me down; it hurts ... what you are doing is not love"
–speaks to the heart/sounds better in Spanish)
Eso Que Tu Haces // Lido Pimienta
other mellow tunes featured in youtube playlist above:
Cold Wind // Ruby Goon
Broom // Holy Hive
Stickers // Sleep ∞ Over
Tuca & Bertie (netflix + hbo)
An old flame friend recommended this –kinda. I'm honestly not sure if they just clicked it on their turn to pick a show or if they were already a fan😂 See, we both silly. While doing impressions/laughing during the intro, it was hard to gauge lol.
Anywho, I went back to it to actually pay attention, and I recommend! I love a good honest show about female friendship in comedic form. Nothing cheesy. (Like Bridesmaids ...or Dead To Me. I also have two sisters, so you know, I'm advanced.)
TBH, Tuca & Bertie also feels like what a show about me and a best friend of the same name could have totally made in college. Maybe why I enjoy it so much! Though...
I would have called it:
Back to T&B! It stars the hilarious Tiffany Hadish (Tuca) & Ali Wong (Bertie), as the two 30-something y/o best friends! And Glen* Steven Yeun plays Bertie's boo, Speckle.
*NERD NOTE: "striking" Glen gave me The Walking Dead PTSD
This Fool (hulu)
Not only does this show center around a working-class Latino family (REPRESENT!) –it’s funny!! The irreverent half-hour comedy gives an authentic take on our culture, down to the writing, with its use spot-on "Spanglish." It's also REALLY well shot.
Comedian Chris Estrada plays this fool named Julio who still lives at home and works as a caseworker at a non-profit gang rehabilitation center, "HUGS NOT THUGS." (Yes. Read that again LOL!) But his biggest challenge is when his older, ex-gang member cousin Luis (played by Frankie Quinones) is released from jail. He then has to counsel Luis to re-adjust to life outside, per his mom, and Luis is required by her (his tia) to attend, in order for both to continue living under her roof. #BOSS
Talk about a premise!
It's hilarious as it is refreshing seeing my culture represented on a national network; not just as a supporting cast member to "spice up" a series🙄 As a Salvadoran, it's also nice to see lil' bits that point out there is a difference in Latin American countries... JS.
The show was executive produced by Fred Armisen –actually, while I have you... I'll throw in another Latin-comedy gem from Armisen: Los Espookys(2019)!! The 6-episode HBO series is about a group of friends that turn their love for horror into a business, and that is all I'll say, before leaving you with this trailer.
...and mentioning [after 3 years], it's returning with Season 2 on September 16! (aka Mexico's Independence Day!)
...and yes, I had to Google that. Cuz my country's is the 15th and had to [fact] check myself.
Where was I? Oh yeah. Check out This Fool, streaming NOW on Hulu. And if you have time (and HBO), peep Los Espookys, too!
PAUSE with Sam Jay (HBO Max)
I completely forgot to throw this one in last posts!! So GOOD. I have it as one of the shows I can rewatch, because it's one of those you can have on in the background and still get the laughs and KNOWLEDGE.
Sam Jay's "new kind of talk show" is definitely unique, very candid, informative and funny. You just have to watch. I remember watching them out of order, so you can totally do that too if a topic interests you!
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