facts + funnies • mtv | FMTV003
I made it stand out!
...to show what I had to deal with to get this blog up: MYSELF (and the Wifi…)
Wrote a blog I was v proud of, then [this site] crashed/deleted it completely —including previous saved versions.
The only thing that made me LOL after getting initially drunk/upset was finding a screenshot showing it crashed after I renamed it to “80085.JK”
No joke. OK, here we go again:
About FIrst Section (The F):
Armchair Expert is my favorite podcast. I mean, yeah, it’s by [comedic] actor Dax Shepard, but it’s also so much more! For one, IT’S HONEST. They not only include a “fact-check” portion at end of each interview, they also allow themselves and others to be vulnerable.
And if you follow along with any of my posts, you know I LOVE COMEDY (—probably how I found it, honestly.) AND that I also LOVE studying humanity. Like, I read books, enjoy talks with all in related fields, and I people-watch. 💁🏻♀️
Other than his acting career (and hot ass wife, Kristen Bell), Dax has a degree in anthropology. ANTH was a course I was required to take for my Journalism degree that just completely FUCKING FASCINATED ME!! And still does.
My point, this podcast explores…
“the messiness of being human.”
I meannn… 🎯me.
(Dax Shepard & Monica Padman)Guest: Daniel Goleman
— psychologist, science journalist, author of Emotional IntelligenceHe also has his own podcast titled ”First Person Plural: E.I. & Beyond”
Guest: Andrew Huberman
— neuroscientist & associate professor at Stanford
He also has his own podcast titled The Huberman Lab Podcast
▶︎ ARMCHAIR EXPERTGuest: Jerrod Carmichael
— stand-up comedian, actor, writer, filmmaker(Also recommend the episode with Prince Harry!)
*OK, these first one’s are all from the same ONE podcast… But it’s different episodes!
Started w these to show where my other suggestions will go. Whilst, lowkey, letting you know not to share other podcasts that don’t align with my interests 😂
(—I’m sorry y’all, but I rather listen to you tell me about it/what you learned in a nutshell. respectfully. kthx)
the podcast features humans like:
behavioral scientists
…and yes, occasionally his TALENTED AF wife, Kristen Bell (among other celebs/comedians)
It’s HONEST, enlightening, educational, and entertaining. 💖
Hope you enjoy!
► ABUNAI — “sixteen hours”
► Frank Dukes — “Hi I’m Frank Dukes”
► Pouya, Denzel Curry — “Wig Split”
[more on these coming soon. when I find what I had wrote before site crash]
SNL’s Weekend Update co-anchor + co-head writer, Michael Che, has created one of the best sketch comedy shows I’ve seen in recent years.
It’s smart, creative, relevant, and just F’N hilarious!
Season 2 is streaming now!!► SOUTH SIDE (HBO MAX)
South Side was recommended to by my ex-husband (yes, the one and only. LOL)
TBH, I thought I was gonna have to politely say ‘no thanks,’ cuz he never got me into comedies… that was my role. 💁🏻♀️
(I mean, he would have never seen the brilliance of Tina Fey’s 30 Rock if not for me!!)
Anyway, that brings me to my point. . . He said I’d love it cuz “it’s like if Tina Fey was [not white] writing 30 Rock”
And holy crokinole! He was right! 😅First “watched” a few ep’s in background, cuz I knew I’d feel bad if I didn’t give it a shot (—like our marriage! 🥁🥁💥 😜 )
I kid! But he got me hooked; it’s HILARIOUS! **
(**inside joke: he has always misspelled that word LOL)
I have no further comments on the above.